Blackberry emoticons on androids

What’s the key to an excellent mobile operating system? Two designers behind Android talk about how emotion plays a big role.
ICQ Emoticons
I wonder how whatsapp gives support for that. I could use emojis on iPhone because it is natively supported. I'm not developing for bb neither android but I need to

SXSW: How Emotions Determine Google.
Blackberry emoticons on androids
Tried to Google this but couldn't find anything close. My gf uses a Blackberry and No really - I need to know this answer too - is there really no way to convert
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Blackberry vs Android? Apa kelebihan dan kelemahan Android dan Blackbery? Bila Anda bingung, apakah harus memilih Android atau Blackberry? Berikut ini tips singkat
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Lamborghini Android's Emoji (Emoticons) on Blackberry and.
Blackberry emoticons on androids
Emoji (Emoticons) on Blackberry and.Kannst Du nicht nur viel Spaß haben sondern auch zeigen, wer Du bist und wie Du Dich fühlst
Blackberry emoticons on iPhone?.